UnLtd: Impact

Our campaigns bring the industry together to change behaviours, raise awareness and fundraise for our charity partners. Scroll down to see the positive impact you helped us create through some of our campaigns in FY24.

Helped strengthen our emotional muscles.

Together with ScienceFiction and Initiative, we encouraged Australians to build their emotional muscles to help navigate life’s ups and downs with the launch of Gotcha4Life's Mental Fitness Gym. It's a gym with no mirrors, just meaningful reflections.

Have a workout.

We helped young people say the 3 hardest words.

Heart On My Sleeve teamed up with Spark to help spread an important message - it's okay to say "I'm not okay".
This touching campaign encourages young people to speak up when they need help.

Watch the campaign here.

We made awkward awesome for LGBTQIA+ youth.

Cocogun, Good Oil and Initiative launched a new campaign for The Pinnacle Foundation to “make awkward awesome”. The campaign encourages parents to break through the embarrassment barrier and talk to their kids about their sexuality and identity.

Check out the creative here.

We got busking for change.

We launched a new annual fundraiser for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation - Busking for Change. Thanks to the support of Mindshare and many media partners, the inspiring campaign created by singer Josh Pyke raised over $80K for ILF's work providing learning resources to remote Indigenous communities. Over 200 schools took part to learn and perform a song in an indigenous language.

We also...

Went blue to end bullying.

With EssenceMediacom and The Open Arms, we brought the media industry together to support Do It for Dolly Day 2024, raising awareness and funds to create a kinder and safer world for Australia’s kids and communities.

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Got kids singing.

With Guts Creative, we helped ACMF rebrand, raise their profile and supercharge their programs supporting thousands of young people at risk. With the support of This is Flow and oOh!media, we also got kids expressing their feelings by entering the National Songwriting Competition campaign.

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Went beyond polite responses.

Together with UM, we brought 17 partners across the industry together to deliver $1.67 million in media value for batyr, a preventative mental health charity. The ‘Going Beyond Polite Responses’ campaign challenges the cultural norm of responding with a simple "I’m good" when asked about one’s wellbeing.

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Helped sick children be seen and heard.

Cocogun, Scoundrel, Rumble and Zenith teamed up to help reconnect seriously sick kids with school. The 'Don't You Forget About Me' campaign raises awareness of MissingSchool's revolutionary Seen & Heard initiative that helps seriously sick children stay connected to education and their friends.

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Made kindness headline news.

VMLY&R and Wavemaker made sure that the Kindness Factory was top of mind on Pay It Forward Day and World Kindness Day with a Public Service Announcement for kindness. Wavemaker secured over $9.3M worth of media inventory to help spread kindness across Australia.

Healed through music.

We supported Musicians Making a Difference (MMAD) in their quest to make MMAD Day the biggest one yet, thanks to Kaimera and media owner supporters! The inspiring campaign was seen far and wide, asking people to dedicate songs to young people going through a difficult time and encouraging them to reach out to MMAD for support with #ThisSongIsForYou.

Created a "Cure Code".

Thanks to the clever campaign by Cocogun and media by Initiative, Australians were able to help fund the research to find a cure for Childhood-onset Heart Disease, using an eye-catching 'cure code' for HeartKids.

Got in our PJs for children in foster care.

OMD brought the media industry together once again to support the National Pyjama Day campaign for The Pyjama Foundation, raising funds to help improve literacy for children in foster care.

Helped heal the hurt.

Dentsu Creative and Hearts & Science helped launch a national campaign for KidsXpress, a children’s mental health charity. The campaign ‘See the Signs. Heal the Hurt’ encourages parents and carers to recognise distress in children as soon as possible.

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UnLtd: Giving

Thanks to the generosity of our industry, this year we made some BIG dreams come true for our charity partners and the young people they support.

We got locked up, to show that kids shouldn't be.

85 people across the media, marketing, tech and creative industry spent the night in prison to raise awareness and funds to break the cycle of youth disadvantage. Watch the highlights here.

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We gave 100+ kids a chance to chase their dreams.

At Big Dream 2023, the industry got together to pledge $65K for Mirabel, to create a Big Dreams fund for children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental drug abuse. The program funds football camps, singing lessons, science workshops and more so kids can pursue their passions and dreams.

We inspired First Nations kids to become scientists.

Thanks to DeadlyScience's Social Impact Partners Dentsu and Paramount, DeadlyScience's 'Kits-Mas" drive raised $43,000. This funding provided over 70 microscopes and science kits to First Nations schools to inspire the next generation of deadly scientists.

We swam 700kms to splash the stigma around mental health.

More than 70 swimmers across the advertising industry collectively swam over 700kms to raise nearly $30K for batyr’s work to create stigma-free communities that champion young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Thanks to the winners of MFA Awards’ NGEN category in 2022, Ben Breden and Olivia Coxon from Initiative, the campaign was supported by 20 media partners with more than $2 million of media inventory donated.

We helped bring joy and comfort for children in pain.

Through the Christmas Toy Drive campaign for Radio Lollipop, we helped bring laughter and play in place of pain for children in hospital. Our industry also got behind the Bunnies for Bravehearts drive gifting bunnies for children in trauma counselling due to sexual abuse.

We helped foster First Nations girls' creativity.

We helped fund the Art with the Stars enrichment program run by Shooting Stars in WA. The program connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls with local Aboriginal artists to explore and foster a connection with their culture through art. All the initiatives undertaken by Shooting Stars are informed by local communities and are guided by extensive research that aligns with Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing.

UnLtd: Events

You've been busy batting, surfing, sailing and kicking goals for good - and even got on stage for a pantomime! With 30 events across 6 cities in FY24, there was something for everyone.

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UnLtd: Mind

Mental health is a big focus for us and in FY24 we've been busy helping smash the stigma around mental health, funding youth mental health programs and upskilling our industry with the skills they need to look after themselves and those around them.

We sold some Jolly Good tea to fight youth suicide.

In FY24 we grew our social enterprise, MOOD tea, with a new Jolly Good flavour and a 13% growth in retail sales YoY. Thanks to a very clever campaign by Dentsu Creative and $8M of probono media inventory secured by Carat, MOOD saw a +15% YoY awareness post campaign.

More about MOOD Tea

We trained 212 people across the industry in Mental Health Programs.

Together with Bare Feat, we trained 212 people in Mental Health First Aid and MOOD Mind training, giving people the ability to spot the signs of mental ill health and upskill them on how to provide help and support to those who need it. We also continued the Mentally Healthy research, identifying where the industry is thriving and where we need focus, to ensure we're helping businesses to create mentally healthy workplaces for all.

We funded mental health programs for 6,920 young people.

Thanks to everyone who stocked, sipped and promoted MOOD tea. Your support to date has allowed us to fund programs upskilling 6,920 young people, all who now have the skills to better manage their mental health.

UnLtd: Experiences

You've been packing pyjamas, hosting picnics, playing arcade games and even jumping on some scary water slides for good! See some of the highlights of our volunteering and immersion experiences this year below.

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Team Paramount volunteering at Youth Off The Streets

Team Paramount volunteering at Youth Off The Streets

Farm work at LeaderLife in Dubbo with Nine

Farm work at LeaderLife in Dubbo with Nine

Cleaning up at Youth Off The Streets house by Team Paramount

Cleaning up at Youth Off The Streets house by Team Paramount

Dave Clark team packing PJs at Kindness Collective

Dave Clark team packing PJs at Kindness Collective

Thank you.

To all of you who have supported us this year, this impact wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you. Whether you joined one of our events, used your skills for good, donated media inventory or auction prizes or helped spread the word, you've all made a huge difference.

Thank you for your support.